a, b, b

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Thanks for the input, Dorothy!

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1. A with a B crossover

2. B

3. B

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So, Kingston with a side of Woodstock. Also very interesting to me that you like the pop/lit + angle since I know you're capable of straight-up hardboiled... Thanks JvK!

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The sharp contrast between the two towns is ripe with literary possibilities... Especially if one subverts their stereotypic cultural assignations. And I only know this because of you ;)

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For sure, you've suddenly got me thinking about Orpheus crossing into Hades--but I don't know which town is which!

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Jan 8Liked by Adam Snyder

1. a and b

2. a

3. a

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Thanks Em! :-)

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Jan 7Liked by Adam Snyder

1) I'd be interested in stories set in any of the towns around here, your grasp of history and nuance is invaluable in bringing to life times gone. Not being a native, I'd welcome any work that gave me more fine-tuned and specific insights about Kingston, Woodstock, Saugerties, Hurley, you name it. Don't shy away from seemingly arcane and obscure details - one of the beatiuful things about literature is that he more specific the work, the more universal it is. The specific nature of the emnity between people in certain towns is endlessly fascinating to me.

2 & 3) Firm B

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Thanks J, good stuff!

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Jan 7Liked by Adam Snyder

The B side all the way down.

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Check, check, check, thanks A!

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Jan 6Liked by Adam Snyder

1. "IPM" plants the tory in Kingston, doesn't it? The stream reminds me of Woodstock, but the green apartment building sounds more like Kton.

2. b--I notice most of the comments ppl make have to do with your cultural references from the time.

3. a

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Thanks D! K-76 is most definitely in K-town, these questions are regarding a brand-new novel that I'm working on, will be contemporary, am wondering if readers are craving more Kingston or something different :-)

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Jan 6Liked by Adam Snyder

1) a & b

2) a

3) a

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Thanks RGP! Do you mean either Kingston or Woodstock would be fine or that you'd like to see a story spanning both places?

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Jan 6Liked by Adam Snyder

I’d like to see it span both places; I think it would allow for a bigger variety of situations and personalities.

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Great idea, thanks!

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deletedJan 7Liked by Adam Snyder
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Awesome, I will surprise you!

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deletedJan 7Liked by Adam Snyder
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That is also a consideration! :-) Thanks C!

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