Does Jack Wallace have moustache? And, if so, is it long enough for twirling?

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Wasn't picturing a mustache, but given the decade perhaps some kind of "dry look"?

(Dazed & Confused probably has the best array of period appropriate hairstyles.)

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Such a joyous celebration. Still, could there be some kind of fly in the IPM punchbowl? Hmmmm.

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An ambitious multi-national with government contracts, what could go wrong?

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“Where we’ll go from there is anyone’s guess...”” I guess we know where they went—away!

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"...our growing number of locations in the South..." --Jack Wallace

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they're drinking the Koolaid!

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It's the 70s, we all drank Kool-Aid!

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Time for the feels! Or is it too good to be true…

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Yeah, gives me the feels too xx

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